Quarantine day 37

What does the future hold for going to the movies? At least for the foreseeable future? Until a vaccine is created to battle Covid-19.
I think it's pretty bleak. At least for me.

For one, I will wear a mask whenever out in public, because it's the right thing to do, but I don't want to wear one while I'm trying to relax and watch a two hour movie.
Plus, I'm sure there will be countless idiots not wearing masks in a movie theater, because they don't care, so I don't want to breathe in their funk.

But we'll live with it. We have an enormous 4K television with surround sound. We'll support movies by purchasing the DVDs when they come out, and watch from the safety of our couch.

Also, the gym is going to be a thing of the past--until that vaccine is available. You can't wear a mask while you're working out, or you'll pass out. And again, not wearing a mask isn't an option. Especially there, with everyone huffing puffing and sweating. 
And I've witnessed enough pigs walk out of bathroom stalls and go right back out to the gym floor without washing their hands, that even in normal times I'm weary of touching anything there.

So life will change.
I hate change.
But what are you gonna do?

Stay safe. Stay inside. 💓


  1. Yes, it will. We will find a way, my friend. You are loved💜.


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