Quarantine day 14

Woke up this morning with a bout of allergies. Pretty unnerving when it happens during a pandemic. Scratchy throat and headache. But I know it's allergies. For one, Steve had a scratchy throat before he went to bed last night, but it's not now. Also, I feel better than I did when I first woke up, having taken my daily allergy pill.
But the main reason we're certain that allergies are the culprit is because of the weather. Two days ago it was warm. Then the temperature dropped and overnight we got three inches of snow. Yesterday was colder but sunny enough to melt most of the snow. Today it's going to be in the 60's. Tomorrow and Tuesday we'll be in the 70's, before the temperature falls down to the 30's and we get more effin' snow! 😡

Anyway, the updated guidelines for the Covid-19 pandemic, or as tRump calls it: "C-O-V-I-D-19." It is now suggested that everyone wear face masks when venturing outside. Of course, the one who has to spell out the name of the virus because he doesn't know the name has already said he won't wear one. Way to lead!

Steve and I didn't have any masks, and had to make a Walmart run for the week, so we made some from handkerchiefs, rubber bands, and safety-pins.
For the most part they worked, but we need to go back to the design table before our next outing. 😷

Stay safe, everyone. Stay inside. Listen to what the medical experts are saying.


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