Quarantine day 15

"It's going to be a Pearl Harbor, 9/11 week for Americans."
That's the current warning I just heard on the morning news. It hit me good. No matter how hard I try to stay positive, those moments of fear and panic just hit.

I know this thing will end, it has to, but every day and every week that it continues and worsens, seals in those fears and moments of panic. Running out of ventilators, running out of medicine, running out of doctors and nurses . . .

Stay safe, everyone. Stay inside! All of the inconsiderate idiots that are ignoring the self-quarantine and social-distancing orders are endangering others who are obeying the orders. Those are the people who will cause this pandemic to last for months. Shameful.


  1. Dear Pol, yes we are running out of all those things you mention, but we will never "run out" of love. You are loved, my dear friend.


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