Quarantine day 36

I don't how much longer I'll be titling blog entries like that. The Stay at Home orders are slowly being lifted, today being day two. Now it's a "Stay Safe at Home" order. A few stores are opening, gyms and movie theaters by Friday. People are going out and about, but it is strongly suggested to remain diligent and keep a six foot distance between another person, and also to be sure and wear a mask.
Sadly, there are many ignorant ones who refuse to wear masks, even as they tow their flock of young children around. Those are the people who are going to begin the second wave of this virus.

Yes, I do believe there will be a second wave of this very soon. States like Georgia have not even seen a decrease in cases, yet they're opening up the cities. Stupid and careless.

Unfortunately, as I've said from the start, those ignorant people are going to be the ones who cause this entire thing to drag on, and it will take even longer to get back to whatever will be the new normal.

But Steve and I will do what we've been doing for the past thirty-six days, and that is chill out at home and stay safe.
We actually gave the dogs a bath yesterday, which was a challenge that had been put off for a long as possible.

Brodee's still a little wet in that pic, so he looks a bit Cujoish. Their clean, fluffy coats will most likely not make it through today. They are constantly wrestling and biting at one another, and end up covered in the other's slobber.
Let's see what today brings. 😏

Don't forget that all my eBooks have been marked down to $1.99, so if there's a book you've been waiting to read . . . 
And tell your friends! Word of mouth is an indie author's best friend.
(I just had a Delores Claiborne flashback, "An accident, Delores, can be a unhappy woman's best friend.")

Click HERE for my Amazon page. 


Stay safe. Stay inside. 💓


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