A reason for hope


This year hasn't brought with it much hope for a bright future. But it has brought one thing that gives way to a light at the end of the tunnel. 

Joe Biden and Kamal Harris. 

With God's blessing, they will be our next President and Vice President. And when that happens, I won't be ashamed to say the word "president" out loud. I won't be afraid to turn on the television in the morning. I won't be afraid to get on Twitter in case it's covered with idiotic tweets and insults. 

America will finally begin to heal. Literally and figuratively. 

We just have to pray that everyone votes, and also that tRump doesn't mess with the elections. He has already attempted defunding the post offices to slow down the mail, because of mail-in votes. He's a cheater and crook, and the one thing I still fear is that he will cheat his way to another term.

If that happens, America will fall. 

But I have to have faith that there will be such an overwhelming amount of votes for Joe Biden that there will be no way to alter the results. Even with Russia's help.

So, please, everyone who is reading this and is able to, make sure to vote. If Joe Biden wasn't the candidate you wanted, don't just not vote for him. That's what happened in 2016. People didn't like Hillary, so they just stayed home. Every time someone just doesn't vote, that gives tRump that much more on his side.

Please vote. This election is the most important election in our lifetime. And that's not meant to sound melodramatic. It's the absolute truth. We will not make it another four years under the tRump reign.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will save us from that. ๐Ÿ™

Stay safe. Mask up. Protect others. ๐Ÿ’“


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