Worst fears come to light

It's been a while since I've posted, but it wasn't because I was being lazy. We were going through something here.

A little over two weeks ago, Steve had a scratchy throat. We were hoping that it was simply allergies, but the next morning when he woke, we knew it was something worse.

Steve was sick.

He called into work and found a testing site and went down to get tested. We only got the results back yesterday! But it confirmed what Steve knew: he had contracted Covid19. 

Immediately upon arriving back from testing, Steve went into quarantine. The master bedroom would become his prison cell for the next ten days. That's what it came to feel like for him after a week.
I would only go into the room to drop off food and grab dishes. I didn't go further than the door and always wore a mask. Steve also put a mask on any time I opened the door. 

The dogs stayed out in the rest of the apartment with me for the next ten days. They were very confused as to why Other Daddy wasn't coming out of the bedroom when they knew he was in there.

Thankfully, Steve's illness was not as bad as it could have been. Although it was still horrible, and even after he started  feeling better several days ago, he is still extremely weak, and the simplest of activities wears him out.

And me? Thankfully, I still feel fine (knock wood). We were super careful not to get me infected, too, because if that happened, we'd be up a creek with no paddle. The thought of what we would have done if we were both out and had the dogs that needed to be taken up and down three flights of stairs.

It was an extremely scary situation. There were many tears shed as I sat and listened to the man I've loved for thirty years cough and suffer in the next room.
As I said, it was bad, but not as bad as it could have been. There are so many heartbreaking stories out there of loved ones being taken to the hospital and never seen alive again. People dying alone.
I can't imagine what I would have done.

This horrible virus is bad, and it's only getting worse. It took three weeks after returning to work for Steve to get infected. It was because the patrons at his restaurant WEREN'T WEARING MASKS!!!!!!!!!

We're not letting it happen again. Steve had to resigned from his job in order to keep himself and me safe. 
Being without a job will changed our future, but hopefully because of it, we'll have one.

Please stay safe. 💓  WEAR A MASK!!!!!!!! 


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