Not so patriotic

Yesterday was the Fourth of July, but I was feeling far from patriotic. I have to say that I am so disappointed in America right now. I'm ashamed of this country. 
I'm ashamed because of all the things that are going on right now.

To start, look who a majority voted into the most important office in the country three and a half years ago. A fucking clown! Someone who is working with Russia to kill our service members. Someone who has been found guilty of crime after crime and indiscretion after indiscretion, yet nothing happens to him.

Let's talk about the pandemic? Yes, it's world wide, but it's the worst in America. Why? The idiot in the White House. He was calling it a hoax for the first two months when actions were supposed to taken.
Now, it's only getting worse.

Okay, about the pandemic and Americans . . . There was a lockdown to start with, but then all the idiots were starting to protest because their "rights" were being taken away because they were supposed to shelter at home.
Then they started bringing guns to capitols and threatening governors. 
Then things began to open up, but people were asked to wear masks and social distance.
But apparently that was too much for their simple minds to handle, too. People are protesting about wearing masks because we live in America and have rights.

They're too ignorant to understand that it to help one another get through this pandemic.

So, yesterday, as Americans celebrated this wonderful country, full of people who were ignoring the virus and dong what they want. 

Oh, yeah, I'm proud to be an American. Not anymore.


  1. 💜I am so sorry, Pol. Your country is a great country despite all that. A great country where great people like you, Steve and my friend Dyanne and Phil and many more were born. I am so glad you exist in the world. Thank you. Please stay safe💜.

  2. I felt the same way. In my 54 years, yesterday was the first day I didn't wear red, white, & blue. I didn't pop, or even watch, a single firework. Our "president" and his buffoon followers have made living here unenjoyable. I've never wanted to move to Costa Rica as bad as I do right now, and that's saying a LOT, because it's what I've longed for for 5 years. I'm sad to find out that so many people I had as friends (operative word: "had") are bigoted, racist, homophobics who don't give two shits about the safety and well-being of those around them. I'm anti-Trump, Pro Choice, Pro LGBTQ, Anti Confederate war flag, Pro mask wearing, Pro BLM. While I have many friends who are of the same mindset, others were not, and they were draining me. Buh Bye. I'm not even sad about it.

  3. to clarify, I don't wear red, white, and blue EVERY day. I meant to say it was the first Independence Day I didn't wear it. haha!


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