Quarantine day 6

So I've decided to start blogging regularly during our quarantine time. I'm starting slightly late because, honestly, I didn't think about it until yesterday.

I'm also starting on day 6, but that's the amount of days Steve and I have been here together. Steve was furloughed from his job on Monday, because of the virus and the continuing shut downs. Before that, I was quarantined by myself for the most part. It was nerve-wracking during that time when Steve still had to go into work and be exposed. But he's home now, and we're hunkering down as we should and waiting it out.

Luckily, Steve and I like being around each other. We're trying to stay busy and stick to routines. It has been easier for me than Steve, because I've been self-isolating in a way for months because he works so much.
Although, it is different when you're just used to hanging around the house because that's what you do, as to not being able or advised against leaving the house. But here we're together, and that's what matters.

This is a scary time for everyone. It's a time that will be written about in history books. But if we stand together, we'll get through it. There has been so much expression of love and compassion shown online lately, it's been uplifting. And online is usually not the place you find that.

Maybe this whole experience will cause everyone to take a deep breath and reflect and appreciate one another again.

Stay strong. Listen to the medical professionals and self-quarantine. And don't forget to try and keep it fun. It'll be in the rearview before we know it.


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