Only 30 more years

They say that human civilization will end by 2050. At first I scoffed at this notion. That's only 30 years away. That's ridiculous. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that there may be some truth to the statement.

Human can't go a week without one of us grabbing a gun and killing numerous innocents. Bombs go off and kill hundreds. Old viruses, like measles and polio, are reemerging now. 

Bees are dying out. In turn, so will our pollinated food supply. 

Now, on top of everything else that is happening to the planet with floods, drought, and deforestation, the Amazon Rainforest, one of the major sources of our oxygen, is burning. If it isn't stopped before it reaches a critical stage, it won't recover, and it will turn into a desert wasteland, therefore drastically amplifying climate change.

So, yes, I do believe we only have 30 more years.

What are you going to do with your time?


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