Always something on the horizon

Okay, one of the rules of blogging (for authors) is not to talk about your books all the time.  And I've tried to space it out a bit.  The last entry was about that fucking idiot who was living it up torturing wolves. 

So now I get to talk about my books again.  And you know by that I mean, I get to talk about Luthor again.

Let me start by saying, one of the reasons I seem to always end up talking about Luthor is because it's a very exciting time. There always seems to be something on the horizon with this book.  Every day I don't know what will happen next with it. 

One morning I may wake feeling slightly glum because I feel things have slowed down. 
The next minute Steve calls me and says that people at the restaurant were talking about Luthor because some of the employees are reading it.  A delivery guy got a copy and said he couldn't put it down, and that it was the best book he's read all year.

Of course, then I'm on Cloud 9. 

Then I remember the other numerous other things that are currently under way, or will be underway in the very near future. 

One of those things (fingers crossed) is the impending results on October 5th for the contest I entered Luthor in.

Anyway, there are other projects we're working on that I can't get into right now, but they're coming.

It's a really exciting time, when you don't know what's around the next corner. 

What the next sunrise will bring. 

Will this be the one?


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