Thursday or Friday

As I'm writing this, I can honestly say that I don't know if it's Thursday or Friday. I'm leaning toward Friday. I haven't watched any TV this morning, and that's usually my clarification of the days.

Anyway, whatever day it is, it'll be a good one. 

Steve and I are getting into a sort of quarantine routine, which includes my workout time, his workout time, a long walk for Finn and ball time for Brodee, and of course a daily naptime. 

For the most part everything's been working out fine. But the other day was a bit rainy, and Finn couldn't go for his long walk with Steve. So all that energy that would have been expelled turned into the zoomies a few times during the day. 
You know how difficult it is to try to keep the noise down on a third-floor apartment when an eleven-month-old, fifty-pound golden retriever gets the zoomies? Good times. (insert missing laughing emoji here)

We didn't have an art day as we had planned. We have everything we need as far as supplies, we just didn't get to that last step of actually doing something. Part of the problem is that neither of us knows what picture we want to do.
But I think we have plenty of time to figure it out. 

Stay safe. Mask up. Protect others. (heart emoji)


  1. Thank you so much for being here, my friend. I need your writing to keep going. Take care. You are loved💜.


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