Still no writing

I haven't written anything in book form since December. Six months. I've never gone this long without writing before. 
I don't know what's happening.
Yes, there's a pandemic going on, and that has monopolized most of my thoughts, but I know there's more.

I've wanted success for so long. I've worked at it for so long. Still . . .

You can't help but let it get to you after twenty-something years.

And what's so frustrating for me is that I have three books finished! The all just need to be edited. One simply needs to be edited, the other two are only in their 1st drafts, so they'll  need two more read-throughs, then sent to the editors, also.
It's all the crappy part of writing--editing and re-reading. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with it, but now, because I don't feel like doing anything, I can't get it done. I can't help but have my mind drift over to those thoughts: You're just wasting your time.
It's like spending six or seven months cooking the best meal anyone has ever tasted, but when that first bite is taken, it's simply, "Mmm, good . . . Is there any bread?"

I don't know what's wrong.
Two months! Two months we've been in quarantine, and in that time I could have probably finished everything.
Time wasted.

I know things will change, but I'm afraid when they do, too much time will have gone by, and the magic will be lost.

Let's see what today brings. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Stay safe. Stay inside. Protect others. 💓


  1. The magic of your writing will never be lost. You are an amazing writer, my friend💜.

    1. As always, your support means the world to me. Thank you!


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