
The horrific murder of George Floyd was bad enough. But even before all the guilty parties could be brought to justice, the protests began. Protests against police brutality. Of course, I get it. It's obvious there's a huge problem. And protesting is fine.

But when the protestors begin to just burn buildings down for now reason other than to destroy property, that's when is no longer protesting. It's terrorism. 
L.A. was torched last night. High-end stores were looted and burned. A sunglasses stores was emptied out. What the fuck does stealing hundreds of sunglasses have to do with protesting police brutality?

There is no longer any message about George Floyd. Now, all anyone sees are violent people endangering lives.
There have been shots of graffiti on walls on the news that says to kill cops. That is so heartbreaking. 

Yes, there are bad people in police departments. There are racists hidden all over the workforce, in all professions. 
But when something really bad is happening to you, who are the ones you call? The police. 
We would be lost without them. Don't curse all police officers because of the racist ones. They risk their lives for us every day.

All this madness is going on in the middle of a pandemic. Just disturbing. 

Stay safe. Mask up. Protect others. 💓


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