Quarantine day 47
Today's post will be shameless self-promotion!
I've written over twenty books, ranging from a magic elevator to ghosts haunting a playground. I can feel the success that is just out of reach. I can see it. I know what it will be like. I just can't make the final connection.
But it's so close.
How close?
I have over twenty titles. I also have more than 13,000 Twitter followers and 500+ Facebook followers, not to mention Instagram.
If each of those people purchased all my books, even just the eBooks, it would make a huge difference in my life.
Then go one more step: My Genie in a Bottle series was created after listening to Christina Aguilera's song by the same name.
Countless times I have tagged on Twitter and Instagram when I do posts about the series, thanking her for her inspirational song.
It just takes that one moment for her to see one of those posts and grab a copy of the books, enjoy them, and then send out one tweet to her 14 million followers that she enjoyed the series born from her song.
And if just a small percentage of those followers grabbed the four-book series . . .
It just out of reach. But one day, someone will take notice.
Help spread the word. Click HERE for my Amazon page. All eBooks priced down to $1.99 during these difficult times.
Thank you!
Stay safe. Stay inside. 💓
💜 Love this post. Take care, my friend.