Quarantine day 49

Do you ever imagine what your life would have been like if that "alternate ending" had happend? If you had turned left at the fork in the road instead of right.

My big dream was to be an actor. I had pursued it all through high school and for a few years afterward, but that was it.
I knew I could have done it and been successful. At the risk of sounding smug, I'm a pretty good actor, or used to be.

Every time I would watch a movie, I would fantasize about the time when it would be me up there on the big screen. I even saw myself winning an Oscar. Or at least nominated.

I didn't pursue that dream the way I should have, and I let it slip through my fingers.
But it's okay.
It's okay because, each time I think of that lost dream, there is one single thought races into my mind:
If I had pursued acting, I would have never met Steve.

And that makes it all clear again. Everything happens for a reason. We are true believers in that.  Even if I had made it as a successful actor and never met Steve, I know in my core that I would not have been as happy as I have been the last twenty-nine years, even if I had no idea at the time.
That may sound corny, but I know it's true.

Sometimes that "silver lining" isn't the best thing that can happen for someone. Sometimes it's difficult for people to realize that. I was lucky enough to know it from the start.

When you find someone--that special someone--treat them right. Show them how much their presence in your life means to you.

Stay safe. Stay inside. 💓


  1. My dear friend, thank you so much. Gracias. You are loved💜.


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