Quarantine day 40

Sleep has been eluding me in the mornings. Usually about 3am (the witching hour) I wake up, and I'm unable to get back to sleep. If I do, it's only for fifteen or twenty minutes.
I don't know what to do about it anymore. I don't know if there's much I can do. If it didn't leave me tired for the rest of the day, I wouldn't care. I wish I didn't have to sleep. Or eat.
I could be happy being a Cullen-type vampire. Don't have to sleep or eat, and the blood you need comes from animals and not humans (although there are some humans that deserve it). I could deal with living like that. Plus, in the sunlight you look fabulouuus!

So, I'm in a writing slump. I have been since December. I haven't really worked on anything since then. And I have two projects to work on, too. Mentally, though, I just can't get into it. Again, I have that feeling "It's a waste of time" that I can't seem to shake. I get so excited at the release of each new book, but each time I am left feeling deflated. It gets old.

Add on top of the usual feeling of dread, the stress of what's going on in the world right now, it's a mess. You'd think this past 40 days of quarantine would have been a great opportunity to complete both of my pending projects. But no.

Hopefully things will change soon, but this is the longest spell of "I'm done with writing" that I've had. People always say, "You should keep writing because you enjoy it." But at times like these, I don't enjoy it. I try to enjoy it, but can't help but think of the amount of work I have to put into writing each book, and for what?

Okay, that's it for the negativity today, just overtired.

Things will change. Sooner than we know.

Stay safe. Stay inside. 💓


  1. Breathe. Take some time to breathe. Trust me. This too shall pass. You are loved, my friend💜.


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