Trying to stay positive

I keep trying to remain positive and keep negativity at a distance. But it's not working very well.

Steve got up at five this morning to go to work. It was early because he had to open the kitchen, which he hates to do. So, he went to work hating his job. That kills me! 
I can't stand that he still has to work.

Then I get on to write this blog, and I see that yesterday's post, where I talked about an upcoming project, something I rarely do, was the least viewed post in the past three months!

Really? The more I try to stay positive, the more negative influences attack me. I try to have positive thoughts where my writing is concerned, but it seems that no matter what, something negative about it surfaces.

Now, I get to spend the next thirteen hours worried about Steve and depressed.

Sorry about the downer post, but it's gonna happen from time to time.

Stay safe. Mask up. Protect other. ๐Ÿ’“


  1. ๐Ÿ’œThis is the place where I feel safe: your blog. Thank you so much. You are loved.


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