Still no edit button

Yesterday's post looks a bit weird, but there's no way for me to fix it because the blogger folks who decided to update the site never put the Edit button back! 

"Oh, here's the new format. Jut let us know if we've missed anything, and we'll get right on it."

Uh, hello? I've mentioned the Edit button missing since you idiots changed everything!

Things like yesterday's  post, I can't tell they look weird or if something happens to it, after I publish. But now, there's no way to fix anything.

It would be nice if 2020 had an Edit button. Maybe it did, but the people who run this blogger site are also in charge of that, and they left it off.

Everything seems darker this year. Each day. Each week. The future. Sometimes I wish I could just go to sleep and wake up when it's all over, because I just don't have the strength to keep going.

So much sadness and anxiety in the world today. I'm surprised there's not a tremendous increase of agoraphobia cases. I know I hate going out in public now. 
Being agoraphobic wouldn't be the worst thing for a writer. I just stay cooped up inside all the time and write. That would be great if I could get my head on straight and not worry every second of the day about Steve being out in the thick of it.

I just need that one break . . . 
That one person to take notice . . .

Please help spread the word and get people to take notice.

My AMAZON page.

Stay safe. Mask up. Protect others. 💓


  1. 💜 I will. Keep going, please. You are such an extraordinary writer!


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