The perfect Luthor scenario

Every author pictures their books becoming best-sellers and even having movies made from them.

I'm no different. I've pictured every one of my books being made into movies (especially when one of them was actually under contract).

The main book I see this happening to is Luthor. Just the story and settings would make a great film.

The perfect Luthor scenario . . .

Word of mouth begins to take hold and book sales increase. More reviews are posted, and the name Luthor is begin to get known.

I have sent copies to director Guillermo del Toro, I also add him to tweets about Luthor on Twitter. In this perfect scenario, he takes notice and reads the book. And as anyone who has read the Luthor's story knows, that would be all it would take. 
Mr. del Toro contacts me immediately with interest of making a movie of Luthor.
Of course, I say yes. 😄

In his movie The Shape of Water, Guillermo del Toro took a deaf woman and a sea creature, and made them fall in love. And won several academy awards for it.
With Luthor, he will do it again. 

In this perfect scenario, the sets of the movie, the makeup for Luthor, the acting, it all adds up to another Oscar nominated movie for del Toro.

My perfect cast?
If I could turn back time, and have the cast I envision when I wrote Luthor more than twenty years ago, it would look like this:

Luthor-Leonardo DiCaprio (ironically, this one could stay the same, since he will be in makeup)
Amanda-Juliette Lewis
Joshua-Brad Pitt
Garvin-Jack Nicholson
Lillie-Dianne Wiest
Dr. Keith-Eddie Albert

Of course, the performances would win nominations by almost the entire cast, that adds to the multiple nominations for the movie, including best film.

In this perfect scenario, Steve and I make a trip to California for Academy Awards.
In this perfect scenario, I wouldn't be as nervous and scared shitless as I know I will be in real life.
But I'll have Steve right there next to me, so I know it'll be fine.

That is what will happen one day! 

It all starts with word of mouth taking hold. So let's get everyone to know the boy, and please tell at least one person today about Luthor.

Here's a link to Luthor's AMAZON page. 

Thank you!

Stay safe. Mask up. Protect others. 💓


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