Been tough

I've been tryin to keep a good balance as far as my emotions are involved. But I haven't been doing very well the past few days.

It's difficult being at home now without Steve. Even with the slightly shorter hours at the restaurant, he's still gone 12 hours every day. It was easier to handle those lonely times until he was home for three months, and I got a taste of what it would be like to have him home all the time. 
Now I'm alone while he's being forced to work in a pandemic, with idiots who refuse to wear a mask and protect others.

I've been trying to stay off of social media as much as possible. It only leads to confrontations and more stress.
I'm trying to keep up with this blog, but do you really want to hear me bitch and moan every day? Because that's all I feel I have inside some days.

This pandemic is only getting worse. It's supposed to be getting better because all that we have learned over the past five months. But no, it worsens because ignorant people are making it worse.

Hopefully today will be a bit brighter because Steve is off today. I'll try an not spend the day worrying about him going back to work tomorrow and the whole cycle starting again. 

Stay safe. Mask up. Protect others. 💓


  1. I'm feeling exactly the same way, Pol.

    Chris said he's worried about my mental health because I'm too close to it. For every admit into the Covid Recovery Unit I have to work, I can't help but wonder what irresponsible jackass was the cause for another patient who will never live a normal life again?

    It's depressing to know that so many people I thought were my friends turned out to be selfish assholes that I'm better off without. I know I'm alienating some people by pretty much calling them dumbasses to their face, but realized I don't give a shit. They don't care about me, so why should I care about them? If it was *only* affecting them, fine, catch it & die. But the ones that spread it are seldom the ones who get their feet knocked out from under them.

    I'm just so mean these days. In a weird way, it's nice to know I still have friends who are just as angry about others' ignorance as I am.

    Stay safe, remain vigilant, be well.


  2. 💜Please, keep going. Please. I know it's tough. We will get through this. Thank you so much for keeping up with this blog. You are loved my friend💜.


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