Far from over

Sadly, there are people who think this whole thing is over. There are even some who never believe it was that bad to begin with. Those are mostly the idiots who follow the KKK leader tRump.

But this horrible pandemic is far from over. And it is only going to get worse because of those ignorant people. I keep seeing videos about people making scenes in stores because they refuse to wear a mask when required. These morons don't have the common sense to GO SOMEWHERE ELSE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!
But no, they feed on the stress and anxiety they put onto others. They feed on it like the parasites they are.

Am I upset? Of course. I'm doing my best to stay safe and stay inside. Steve is forced to work around idiot customers who don't wear masks because they only care about themselves when going out to eat. I'm doing my best not to have a nervous breakdown as I worry about the ONE person in my life staying safe.

Several states are about to hit "apocalyptic" surges, yet so many still "have to get their nails done" "I have to get my hair done." "I have to go to the gym." "I have to go out and eat."

We are only in June, and there isn't supposed to be a vaccine until next year. And that isn't even assured.

Current numbers for the U.S. alone:
Cases: 2,427,448
Deaths: 123,751

Please stay safe. MASK UP. Protect others. 💓😷


  1. I am so sorry. I am so sad to know there are so many idiots who don't care about other people's lives. I give you a hug. Thank you for being here.💜


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