Quarantine day 35

I thought I was going to start today being positive and shit. But apparently that wasn't meant to be. I made the mistake of posting something on FB regarding the calls to poison control following tRump's disinfectant comments, and someone, who I thought was a friend, showed their true colors in support of tRump. 
It turned into a whole thing. My blood pressure went up, and I ended up unfriending him. Another one bites the dust.

Steve and I want to stay off of social media because it's so frustrating, but since we are a couple of the smart ones and self-quarantining, there's not much else to do.

Perhaps the day was going to be stressful anyway, because today the initial quarantine rules are being lifted. Hair salons and gyms and movie theaters are opening, even though many professionals say it's too early. Yeah, I want to go sit in a movie theater for two hours with a bunch of other people.
No, thanks. we will probably refrain from going to the movies for quite a while. It's a shame, because there are a few new releases coming out that we were looking forward to. But we'll have to wait, and watch them at home when DVDs come out.

Even though the lockdown rules are slowly being lifted, Steve and I will remain indoors and relatively safe from anyone else, and see what happens. As Miss Celie says in The Color Purple, "I just gonna sit back and see what colors Miss Shug put on the wall next."

Medical professionals are fearing a second wave of the virus. I fear that they are absolutely right. With all the protests and people not wearing masks and not following social distance guidelines, a second wave--one most likely worse--is going to happen.

Stay safe. Stay inside. 💓


  1. Passing by before my day ends. Thank you so much for being here. Please take care, my friend. You are loved💜.


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