Close one!

Okay, so I've been in a bit of a panic the past few days. 
Let me explain:

You know Steve, Buster, and I are going on our road trip to Colorado in a week and a half.  Well, on this trip, I definitly need my Olympus camera with longer zoom lenses for all the wildlife.  But something has been wrong with the camera.
It turns on okay, but try and take a picture and you got an error on the screen: D-222 or some shit. Anyway, it had been a month or so that I needed to have it looked at.  Then we realized we were going to Colorado so soon.
Instead of sending it back to the manufacture  (which is what I was told to do by online "support"), we hoped that it was just that the battery was two years old and it needed to be replaced.
So, Steve looks on and finds the battery for $30-fine, he goes into the store by our house gets the battery walks to the counter and they say its $50. 
Apparently it's cheaper to buy the item online.

So, since we had enough time, that's what we did.
We went back to and bought the battery.
Then I wait and wait (yes, more waiting, my favorite) and finally the batter comes . . . and IT'S THE WRONG ONE! We orded the right one, they just sent the wrong one.
Back to the store (since they say on the phone while you're on eternal hold, "Don't want to go through the hassle of returning things you purchased online? You can return any item at your nearest BestBuy!").
We just decided to exchange the wrong one for the $50 one, pay the difference and be done with it.

 . . .we wait as the girl behind the counter looks up the item.
"We can't take this back in the store.  You have to return it online."
All other noise around us stopped for a moment.  "What?" I asked.
"We can't take this back becuase it's from a third party."
"But we bought it on"
"Yeah, but they got if from someone else."
Steve and I walked away calmly in a cloud of hushed "Really?s"
We got the $50 battery, and I still have to return the other one online.

Once we got home from BestBuy, I put the correct battery in, saying a silent prayer and-
It still didn't work!

Now we really had to take it in to someplace and see if they could fix it.  But it was gonna have to wait until the weekend when one of us was off.  That fact alone was scary because it pushed our deadline of the trip closer. 

This morning I gave a last ditch effot and asked my Twitter followers if anyone knew what the hell was happening with the camera or how to fix it. 
And a little angel named @edinchavez suggested I do a master reset. 
And when I got home I Googled how you do it, tried it . . .
And it didn't work.
Then I decided to reinstall the software and plug in the camera to the computer and then do the rest-
I pushed the shutter button and it took a picture!
Oh happy day! Happy day!

We're coming Colorado!


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