Another work day almost gone-

I'm sitting here at lunch at work (Blech) with nothing but time so I thought I would post an entry. I just got back from the post office, mailing off another book (nice!). I only hope that this great momentum keeps up, if it does, I'll be the happiest guy in the world! This month is just about half over and I can't wait for June. Why? Because Steve and Buster and I will be taking our road trip to Colorado! We will finally see our future home: Woodland Park! I can't wait! (And we all know how I am with waiting.) Other than that, not much has been going on. I'll be working on the site again tonight and hopefully get the freaking PayPal thing to work. That will be a load off my mind. Anyway, just wanted to say hi. Gonna head back in and finish off yet another workday.


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