Another step-

Well, I said I would do whatever it takes to make Luthor a success. Yesterday I took the next step: I entered Luthor into the Writer's Digest Self-Published Books contest. Alas we I'll have to wait until October 5th to find out the results, but I have a good feeling about this. Entering the contest is an important step because 1)No matter what happens, it gets Luthor seen. 2) WHEN Luthor wins (positivity is the key to most everything), aside from the $3,000 prize, ten copies will be sent to big publishing houses. Also Writer's Digest will write a review and showcases the book on their site, plus a few other things I can't recall. But the point is, Luthor will be getting A LOT of exposure. Little by little. Until everyone knows his name. I'm mailing the book off tomorrow morning. And then we wait!


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